Posts in They call me Dr Miami
Northern Stars: "Canadian docs in the Special Presentations program include a particularly odd film They Call Me Dr. Miami. It’s from director Jean-Simon Chartier"
CTV News: "A new documentary, "They Call Me Dr. Miami," on VOD as part of Hot Docs at Home."
Complex: They Call Me Dr. Miami explores the seeming contradiction between the plastic surgeon’s larger-than-life social media persona and comparatively low-key home life
POV Magazine: "The film is fascinating to watch as a window into the “Miami culture” that inspires waves of people to flock to the beach and display their bodies in the middle of a pandemic."
Journal Metro: The parodoxes of Dr. Miami
Original Cin: They Call Me Dr. Miami: Portrait of a plastic surgeon who'll never need a grandiosity transplant
Toronto Sun: "Celebrated for his outrageous social media persona, this documentary follows the most famous surgeon in America, Dr. Miami, as he balances family time with his celebrity clients."
Le Devoir: "With this complex and captivating portrait, the director wanted to probe the idea of perpetual self-representation. 'This desire to want to be loved... In a way, he is us.'"
Shockya: "Intriguing, entertaining documentary, one which breaks new ground on the subject of plastic surgery"
The Star: “They Call Me Dr. Miami,” profiling a plastic surgeon who livestreams butt lifts and breast augmentations, and is followed by millions on Snapchat.
Hollywood Reporter: 2020 festival titles to stream via the CBC include Jean-Simon Chartier's They Call Me Dr. Miami, about a celebrity plastic surgeon who livestreams butt lifts and breast surgeries
Hammer to Nail: Chartier builds a complex portrait of a consummate professional who nevertheless long ago crossed a moral Rubicon, no matter his religious misgivings
Sun Sentinel: Ready to make its world premiere on March 12, the documentary “They Call me Dr. Miami” was one of the first public events in Miami to get caught in the cross-hairs of coronavirus.
Art Burst Miami: Dr. Miami will premiere April 25-26 on the Miami Film Festival’s Vimeo VOD channel for a 48-hour period.
Film Threat: " here are the kind of fun lifestyles and flashiness that generally make for fascinating stories and shows."
IndieWire: “'They Call Me Dr. Miami'... will instead bow as a Vimeo rental in a partnership between the Miami festival and the city’s Tower Theater"
Israel Internacional: The Miami Dade College Miami Film Festival will present the online world premiere of the Canadian documentary They Call Me Dr. Miami, directed by Jean-Simon Chartier.
Social Miami: "They Call Me Dr. Miami is a highly entertaining look at Michael’s attempt to balance his role as a traditional family man with his larger-than-life social media persona."
Dr. Miami in Miami New Times